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Awaken to Your Spiritual Story is a reflective and nurturing retreat for women of all ages to engage with their creativity, self-expression, and intuition to discover greater spiritual meaning in their life stories.   Each life story has times of ease and love, mystery and drama, and challenge and sorrow. Exploring these experiences through contemplative, creative activities helps us experience the many ways God leads and accompanies us through all types of life experiences. When we delve into our ordinary lives to reveal our sacred stories, we find surprising new perspectives and insights that knit our experiences into a whole. This helps us to trust more deeply in the movement of God and the Holy Spirit and to open to new practices for going forward and discerning our path.

During the weekend, we will explore several creative, contemplative practices to discover the storylines of our path.  You will learn to do SoulCollage®, a surprising collage process that sparks intuition and reveals unexpected insights about you. You will be introduced to simple creative processes for journal reflections, playful movement, contemplative nature walks, and a collaborative art activity.  These experiences will guide each woman toward discovering new meaning, depth, and sacred essence in the stories of her life.

Facilitators will guide the weekend. Each brings experience in creative spiritual methods and a heart-centered approach to group spiritual facilitation.

These supportive facilitators will guide small group sharing and storytelling for the sacred work of discovering and telling our stories.

You will leave with a deeper connection to yourself and your sacred path, as well as a deep appreciation for the journeys of other women.  You will have a personal  expression of your story, which might be a collage, a story or a poem, a symbol, or a piece of art. Importantly,  you will have new creative practices to continue on your spiritual path.

Facilitator Bios 

Kathy Garrett, Ph.D., is a SoulCollage@ facilitator, retreat guide, team and leadership coach, consultant, and professor.  In each of her roles and in her own life, she is drawn to the path of wholeness, which calls for inner exploration, discovery, and ongoing release of outmoded stories and beliefs. She approaches this work with a light-hearted spirit and delight in the path of discovery. Her prayer practices are at the center of her work, supporting her connection with the Divine Spirit and connecting with others from a heart space.  She is a devoted practitioner of Centering Prayer, SoulCollage®, journaling, wide and deep reading, sitting in a sacred circle for storytelling, and wandering in nature for inspiration. Kathy also works with the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Mission Advancement.  She is drawn to their welcoming charism and the experience of being met with their deep, unconditional love and acceptance.

Andria Seneviratne (she/her) is a seeker whose mission is to open hearts and heal the fragmented relationships between ourselves, God, and each other. She is a sacred space holder with experience as a facilitator, spiritual companion, and strategy consultant. Andria’s work centers around tapping into our divine essence and returning to our compassionate, loving God by living into our full humanity in body, mind, and spirit. Andrea serves as a catalyst for deep change in each of her different roles.  In her practice, she embraces her lived experience as an immigrant, woman, Asian American, athlete, and fellow traveler to support others in being their true selves.

Becky McIntyre (she/her) is a community artist, muralist, and linocut printmaker in Philadelphia. Through her work, often collective in nature, she hopes to bring awareness to sociopolitical issues and the transformative and healing nature of art and to activate and inspire new ways of being. She collaborates regularly with St. Raphaela Center, recently as artist-in-residence. She works with local and national collectives of educators and young people in higher education around the Global Synod and facilitates collective synodal art and synodal listening, through the process of Conversations in the Spirit.

Are you interested and have some questions?
Feel free to email me. I’d love to connect!


Kathy Garrett, Ph.D.,
Certified Retreat Leader and SoulCollage® Facilitator.

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